
Luke 1:1–9:50 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Luke wrote his Gospel to provide a trustworthy and catechetical record of Jesus Christ. This commentary expounds four central themes in Luke: its prophet Christology, sacramentology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. Its literary analysis of the structure of the text facilitates preaching, and excursuses cover Baptism in Luke-Acts, Jesus’ table fellowship with sinners culminating in the Lord’s...

(διανοίγω) in the breaking of the bread so that they see the risen Christ, who has opened heaven to all believers through his death and resurrection. That revelation of Christ is the climax of the gospel. The opening of the heavens at Jesus’ baptism is the occasion for the Holy Spirit to come upon him, his baptism with the Spirit. Since the temple curtain separated the Holy of Holies from the more earthly worship spaces, the opening of the heavens here parallels the rending of the curtain at the
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